Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Malaysia Week In Gopeng

During Malaysia Week 2009 me and 23 other middle school students went to Gopeng. In Gopeng we were able to try different things and over come fears. When we were in Gopeng we went water rafting, repelling, caving, hiking, swimming and completed a high ropes course.

Hands shaking, legs trembling, I took one more step towards the end of the high ropes course. 20 meters in the air with 2 small ropes to support you if you fall, I was scared to take another step. My friends yelling from down below cheering me on. I couldn't force myself to look down, thinking of the consequences if i do fall.
My knuckles burning with white holding the rope so tight. The slightest shake of the ropes made me flinch. Suddenly my shoes felt like they were 100 pounds on my feet. This was the last this i would be doing if I wasn't on Malaysia Week. This high ropes course pushed me outside my comfort zone and the end of it seem longer then it did 5 minutes ago. I kept my eyes strait on the strip of wood that would be my next step. This small piece of wood hanging by more rope, seemed smaller and weaker as if it would not be able to support me. I was trying to just focus on my next step that would bring me closer to the finish. With one jump to the next plank of wood I was almost there.

I knew that my last step would defiantly be something I would remember, completing a high ropes course would never be something I would think about if I was not on Malaysia week. This activity allowed me to do something that pushed me outside my comfort zone and it was something that was really fun. At the end I was glad that I tried the high ropes course and didn't give up.